Monthly Archives: September 2013

Hello & Welcome

I'm Rachel Moore an Internet marketer and more importantly a stay at home mum.  I began working from home initially because I wanted to be around for my daughter Laura when she began primary school and in order to do this I joined a very well known health and nutrition network marketing company.

However, the more I worked my offline business the more I realised I needed to be online and I spent many hours and lots of money learning the necessary skills to achieve this but what I found was that much of the information I was given I didn't really need but by the time I'd learned it and realised I didn't need it it was too late - I'd already learned it!

Knowing exactly where to go to get the right information and without paying a small fortune for it would have a) speeded up my success b) saved me thousands of hours of training and c) saved me a small fortune.

My aim with fb-Know-How is to provide you with the information you need at a realistic price.  I hope you find that to be the case with my course fb-Know-How For Small Businesses

Enjoy your training.
